Janan Swetat

(27 years old)

Janan is from Tarshiha, a small villageĀ located in northern Palestine.

She works as a nurse in the Bone Marrow Transplant section. Despite always dreaming of traveling and volunteering abroad, fear held her back from stepping out of her comfort zone. However, after 2 years in her nursing career,Ā She feltĀ it's time to pursue her passion. Janan volunteered in Lesbos, Greece, with refugees. Now, she's ready to pause her career and embark on a journey to explore the world, meet new friends, experience different cultures, and continueĀ volunteering.

Continuing on this incredible journey, she aspires to further immerse herself in diverse cultures, volunteering in far-flung corners of the globe. Her relentless pursuit of personal growth, coupled with a desire to challenge norms and break barriers, fuels both her passion and the vision of HomeAwe.

Join us at HomeAwe, where the world is our home and awe-inspiring experiences await.