Shaden Simaan

(25 years old)

Shaden is from Fassouta.

He's currently on his path to a degree in Software Engineering.

Shaden is not only a dedicated student, but also a passionate scout and a reiki practitioner. His scouting journey has played a pivotal role in shaping his character, equipping him with valuable skills in guidance, responsibility, and the ability to collaborate seamlessly within large groups.Ā 

And his exploration took him to Italy, where he participated with HomeAweĀ and spent 2 months soaking in the richness of diverse cultures. Now, as an enthusiastic member of HomeAwe's team (Ultimate Package Member - joined HomeAwe+), Shaden is fueled by a deep-seated desire to make a positive impact through volunteering. He ardently believes in the transformative power of stepping beyond one's comfort zone, discovering oneself, and creating enduring memories through meaningful experiences.

Continuing on this incredible journey, he aspires to further immerse himself in diverse cultures, volunteering in far-flung corners of the globe. His relentless pursuit of personal growth, coupled with a desire to challenge norms and break barriers, fuels both his passion and the vision of HomeAwe.
Join us at HomeAwe, where the world is our home and awe-inspiring experiences await.